

CV Sample

[x] 英文CVComplete

Your Name

A sentence about who and what you are. Then a sentence about what you’ve achieved. And then a sentence about what excites you about tech.


Final projectA webapp to do x.React, Jest, etc.
Something else worked onA webapp to do y.Ruby

Work Experience

Company Name (start-date to end-date) Your job title

Company Name (start-date to end-date) Your job title


Your previous experience is really important. You will need to make it really clear to someone who has not worked in your field before exactly how your experience will be useful in software development.

Consider skills relevent to software development. Then consider projects you’ve worked on before Makers that you feel proud of and/or you think are relevent to technology. Good examples clearly explain the impact you’ve had.

Here’s an example


I honed my communication skills while completing my thesis at university, which involved writing and defending a dissertation to a board of professors and Ph.D. candidates. I further developed these skills when I was working in a digital marketing agency where I presented quarterly business reviews to C-level stakeholders. In doing so, I synthesised complex technical information into a digestible but comprehensive story for the different levels of knowledge in the room. My communication skills have also often come in handy while training to be a developer. For example, I recently ran a session for my mentees, who have only been coding for a few weeks, on how to use mocks to improve unit test isolation. I received feedback that the session was well run and helped them understand this potentially confusing topic.

Another skill

Another skill


Makers Academy (start_date to end_date)

Your University / College (start_date to end_date)

Any other qualifications

That in some arguable way make you a better software developer or well-rounded person


Any cool stuff that makes you a super part of a software development team


[x] ずっと避けてきたLinkedInにも登録するかどうか思案中……。



  1. Studioでポートフォリオ

    1. メリット
      1. 簡単
      2. 早い
      3. 洒落たデザインある
      4. ローコード
      5. 短期的にみるとよい
    2. デメリット
      1. 自分で内部ちゃんと理解できない
      2. ロゴでる
      3. ローコード
  2. astro使ってポートフォリオつくるfrom Scratch

    1. メリット
      1. 理解できる
      2. (動きが)早い、早くできる
      3. つくって楽しい
      4. 長期的に見るとよい
      5. メンテできる
    2. デメリット
      1. 時間かかる

[x] つくってみたいしAstroでつくろー

-> 作り始める。写真は載せたほうがいいよ案が伴侶からでている・・・・・・・・・・出すか・・・・・・・。

[] VercelかFirebaseでデプロイしたい


リクナビ登録から、突然「求人斡旋会社やってまーす、うちに登録しませんか?」みたいなメッセージなども有。 こういう仕組み、やはり慣れない。